• Maine Edition •



Lakes Haunted by Ghosts in Maine

Since the beginning of time, man has been haunted by the thoughts of what lies beneath the depths of deep lakes, and eerily dark waters. Here in Maine, it's no different - during the day, the shore might be a fun place to enjoy the day, but once the sun sets, what was once a beautiful lakefront view takes on a more sinister look - it's impossible to know just what creatures or monsters are hovering right below the surface. There are plenty of local legends to go along with Maine's Haunted Lakes as well - many believe that trapped spirits of those who met a tragic end lurk about Maine's most famous lakes at night - are you brave enough to find out for yourself?
  •   Swan's Island Swans Island, ME
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    Swan's Island is a tiny island right off the coast of Maine. Featuring just six miles of "ordinary" according to the location's website, the place is rumored to be quite haunted! Stories say that the island is haunted by a woman who has been spotted carrying a baby. Both she herself has been seen, along with her footprints. Some other eerie occurrences on the island include fiery... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Lakes & Waterways | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)

  •   Silver Lake Roxbury, ME
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    Also known as Mattakeunk Pond, Silver Lake, is a 530-acre lake in Penobscot County, Maine. The location offers year-round activities including fishing, boating, hiking, swimming, skiing, and some paranormal activity, too! Sally Weir is the ghost that is known to haunt Silver Lake. In the late 1800s, she worked as a maid and prostitute and was brutally murdered. There are several... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Lakes & Waterways | Real Haunted Places

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